Holiday Gift Guide: For the Homebody

Hi y’all!

I can’t believe I am already writing my first gift guide of the season. I am SO giddy just thinking about the fun times ahead. I wanted my first gift guide to be all things cute & cozy. My inspiration was for the homebody - but obviously these gifts could be perfect for anyone!

I love giving slippers, a cozy blanket or robe and a luxurious set of silk pajamas. I have put together some of my favorite cozy finds. I hope y’all enjoy! Please let me know what other gift guides you would like to see this year!

Tis the season! Click the image to shop!

I hope you all found some inspiration from this gift guide. Crazy enough, it is time to get to shopping!

Much love,



Holiday Gift Guide: For the Beauty Lover


Autumn Party ❤️