Summer Skin Care

Hi y’all! 💗

I hope everyone is doing well. I just started a new job this past month and it has been so fun! With that being said, my schedule has completely changed, making my skin care routine even more important for me. From wedding season, to traveling and now an 8-5 job I have found some products that I love and having been using religiously!

Morning Routine:

For my job I wake up around 6:30 to get started with my day. I start with washing my face with just a wash cloth and warm water. I think less is more when it comes to skin care - so I am careful to not use too many products on my skin. Then I use this Charlotte Tilbury Magic Serum (around 4-5 drops). It feels SO GOOD. Next, I use the Charlotte Tilbury Magic Cream Moisturizer and rub it in really well. Then I will start with my makeup routine. Would y’all want to see that soon?☺️

Night time Routine:

My night time routine is very similar - less is more! ☺️I always shower at night. I used to use a face wash in the shower - but I noticed when I stopped is when my skin really cleared up. So, lately I have just been washing my face with warm water. Then, to remove my makeup I use this Neautrogena cleansing water with a cotton round. Next, I switch it up some nights but this has been my favorite lately. The Summer Fridays Serum, followed by the Summer Friday’s Jet Lag Mask. For my lips I am crazy about always applying chapstick (actually vaseline), but before bed I love using this Milk Overnight lip mask. I wake up feeling so refreshed and clean.

Tip! Buy a few of the mini products to try out and see what works best for your skin.

For a light moisturizer I have always loved the Clinique one.

I’ve also been loving the Summer Friday’s Overtime Mask.

I also love lots of the Fresh products.

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer, even if it looks a little different then planned. Much love!!!

P.S. - tell me if you are liking the new blog! We have lots of fun ideas and exciting projects coming soon! Let me know what you would like to see!


Sarah Kathryn 💕


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